Sunday, November 24, 2013

Wool Sightseeing

We went to the centrum of Reykjavik today to feed the ducks (well there were a lot of goose, swan and other birds that took most of it though). Feeding the ducks with bread is a rich tradition here in Iceland, not sure it is in the best interest of the birds though, should maybe feed them with something better then bread.

There was of course a typical Icelandic family, in matching wool sweaters (the neon is though a new trend here, came this summer when Istex introduced 3 neon colors in the bulky lopi). So what do you think to neon or not to neon?  (*I have no idea who this family is, I just snapped a picture, I hope they don´t mind being on the internet now)

Then after a bookshow in the city hall, we went to Kolaportið (a market place where you can get everything from the goods you get at markets in asia , icelandic food, icelandic candy and handknitted icelandic sweaters). 

It seemed like almost every stall was selling "lopapeysa" and, some were beautiful, others were very well made... some were just plain horrible.

So if you are looking for a "Lopapeysa" this is one of the places to go,  but if you are reader of this blog, you will probably want to make your own version then I would just head to the nearest supermarket and buy some yarn.

But the places to go to shop for Icelandic sweaters is Handprjónasambandið and Álafoss. I would avoid the way to many tourist shops, as you might then be bying something knitted on a machine in Asia , I don´t  know anyone who would knit endless supply of the same pattern in black and white, nor would they all be alike if it was knitted by different knitters....

my 3 year old photobombed my attempt to take a picture of a tourist shop window display, but this store seemed to have a mixture of handknitted and machine knitted sweaters, all probably sold as handknitted in Iceland


  1. Handprjónasambandið er með fullt af konum á sínum snærum sem prjóna eina týpu af peysu, í sömu litunum, með sama munstrinu, mörg ár í röð. Amma hefur prjónað fyrir sambandið í tugi ára og mamma er komin inn hjá þeim líka og hefur verið að prjóna sama munstrið í örugglega 3 ár. Ég held að búðin á skólavörðustígnum sé að mestu með handgerðar peysur. :)

    kv Sólveig

    1. já enda mæli ég með handprjónasambandinu, en það eru túrista búðir sem eru að poppa upp um allt að selja alls konar drasl (buy 3 get 1 free osfrv búllur), fannst þessar ekki eins og þær væru handgerðar þessar svörtu og hvítu
