Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Smelly mittens

Last summer I stopped at a Thingborg (wool center) and bought yarn intended for mittens for me.  It is run by a group of wool enthusiastic women,  and they specially pick (supposedly the best part of the wool) and they only use mild soap (so no evil chemicals are used), they don´t use any synthetic dyes, and t they handspin the yarn.

I really love the wool, but... there is a big BUT.... the wool smells like a sheep... I know a shock right... wool that comes from a sheep smells like a sheep...  So the yarn has just been sitting around at home and I don´t know if I was hoping that the smell would magically disappear.  I have however been suffering some allergies since starting work again and I can´t really smell that much now, so I took the opportunity to use the wool now.

The mittens are warm, thick and will be so much better after some wear...  Since the yarn I choose were natural colors the white sometimes was gray and the gray sometimes was white... so in some parts of the mittens It looks like I did errors... but I really was very careful and I frogged a lot of times only to find out that I hadn´t made any errors.  I wanted them to be perfect since I´m planning to give these away...   just hope the person won´t mind the smell... and that they really are not perfect.. you can really tell that they are handmed..

Pattern: In the book "Vettlingabókin - gamlir og nýjir vettlingar" 
Yarn: Thingborg  2 ply 100% pure wool
needles:  3 mm and 4.5mm


  1. Æðislegir vettlingar. Er lyktin meiri en af plötulopanum? :)
    Ég elska lyktina af honum en hún má ekki vera mikið meiri! Vonandi fer hún úr eftir nokkra þvotta... þó maður vilji helst ekki þvo ullina mikið svo hún tapi nú ekki eiginleikum sínum

    1. já lyktin var meiri heldur en af plötulopanum, hún var hins vegar mun skárri eftir þvott, og þegar þeir komu á áfangastað í USA fannst víst ekki mikil lykt af þeim. Hugsa ég myndi næst skola aðeins úr garninu láta það þorna og svo vinda það upp.
